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Transcription Translation
Differences Between Translation & Transcription Services

Differences Between Translation & Transcription Services

When it comes to language services, two terms frequently appear: translation & transcription services. Although they appear to be identical, their aims and procedures are very different. Understanding these differences can help you select the best service for your requirements, whether you’re dealing with foreign business paperwork or attempting to transcribe a recorded interview.

What is translation?

Translation is the process of converting text from one language to another. It’s more than just changing words from one language to another; it’s about delivering the message in a way that makes similar sense in the target language.

Types of Translation

There are various types of translation, each requiring specific skills and expertise:

  • Literary Translation- This includes translating books, poems, and other literary pieces. The translator must accurately capture the original text’s style, tone, and nuances.
  • Technical Translation- This type includes translating user guides, product specifications, and other technical papers. Precision and accuracy are critical here.
  • Legal Translation- Legal translation includes translating contracts, wills, and other legal documents. It requires a thorough mastery of legal terms in both languages.
  • Medical Translation- Translation of medical records, clinical trial reports, and other healthcare materials. Accuracy is crucial for patient safety and appropriate treatment.
  • Website and Software Localization- Adapting websites and software to be linguistically and culturally acceptable for various regions.

Key Skills Required for Translation Services

To be an effective translator, one needs:

  • Linguistic Proficiency- Fluency in both the source and target languages.
  • Cultural Knowledge- Understanding the cultural context of both languages to convey messages accurately.
  • Subject Matter Expertise- Knowledge of the specific field (legal, medical, technical, etc.) relevant to the content being translated.

Common Uses of Translation Services

Translation is used in various contexts, such as:

  • Business Documents- Ensuring business agreements and communications are understood across different languages.
  • Marketing Materials- Adapting advertising content to appeal to different linguistic and cultural audiences.
  • Legal Contracts- Making sure legal agreements are clear and enforceable in different jurisdictions.
  • Medical Records- Translating patient histories, prescriptions, and treatment plans for international medical professionals.

What is Transcription?

Transcription is the process of converting spoken language into written text. This is often used for meetings, interviews, lectures, and other situations where it’s important to have a written record of spoken words.

Types of Transcription

There are several types of transcription, each serving different needs:

  • Verbatim Transcription- Capturing every spoken word, including fillers like “um” and “uh”.
  • Intelligent Verbatim Transcription- Omitting unnecessary fillers and making minor edits for readability.
  • Edited Transcription- Paraphrasing and editing the content to improve clarity and readability while retaining the original meaning.

Key Skills Required for Transcription Services

A good transcriptionist needs:

  • Excellent Listening Skills- The ability to accurately hear and interpret spoken words, even in poor audio conditions.
  • Fast and Accurate Typing- Typing quickly without sacrificing accuracy to keep up with the pace of speech.
  • Attention to Detail- Ensuring that every word is correctly transcribed and that the document is free of errors.

Common Uses of Transcription Services

Transcription is widely used in various fields, including:

  • Academic Research- Transcribing interviews and focus group discussions for qualitative research.
  • Legal Proceedings- Creating written records of court hearings, depositions, and other legal activities.
  • Medical Dictations- Transcribing doctors’ notes and patient consultations for medical records.
  • Business Meetings and Conferences- Documenting meetings and presentations for future reference and accountability.

Key Differences Between Translation & Transcription Services

Understanding the key differences between these services can help you choose the right one for your needs.




Meaning Involves converting text from one language to another. Involves converting spoken language into written text in the same language.
Goal The goal is to make the text understandable in the target language. The goal is to create a written record of spoken words.
Process and Techniques Requires a deep understanding of both the source and target languages, including cultural nuances and context. Requires excellent listening and typing skills, with a focus on accuracy and detail.
Tools and Technology Often uses Computer-Assisted Translation (CAT) tools and translation memory software to ensure consistency and accuracy. Uses transcription software, foot pedals, and headphones to facilitate the transcription process.
Required Skill Sets Requires bilingual proficiency, cultural sensitivity, and subject matter expertise. Requires high accuracy, attention to detail, and the ability to transcribe spoken words accurately.

Overlapping Areas between Translation & Transcription Services

While translation and transcription are distinct, there are areas where they overlap.

  • Multilingual Transcription- Contains elements from both transcription and translation. For example, transcribe a speech in one language and translate it into another.
  • Subtitling and captioning- It includes transcribing and translating spoken conversation to create subtitles or captions for videos. This is critical in the media and entertainment industries to make content available to a worldwide audience.
  • Academic and research objectives- Researchers frequently require both transcription and translation to assess interviews and focus groups conducted in different languages.

Challenges of Translation & Transcription Services

Both translation and transcribing have their own set of obstacles.

Common challenges in translation include cultural nuances.

Understanding and effectively communicating cultural references and idioms.

  • Idiomatic expressions- Translating expressions that do not have direct translations in the target language.
  • Subject Matter Expertise- Ensure that the translator has sufficient understanding of the given field to generate correct translations.

Transcription challenges often revolve around audio quality.

Dealing with low-quality audio, background noise, and many speakers.

  • Accents and dialects- Accurate transcription of speakers with various accents and dialects.
  • Background Noise- Reducing the effect of background noise on the transcription process.

Choosing the Right Service for Your Needs

When picking between translation & transcription services, think about your individual project needs.

  • Assessing Your Project Requirements- Determine if your project requires text to be converted from one language to another or spoken language to be transcribed into written text.
  • Type of Content- Consider the nature of your content – is it legal, medical, technical, or general?
  • Budget and Time Considerations- Translation and transcription services have different cost structures. Translation often costs more due to the complexity and expertise required.
  • Turnaround Times- Consider your deadlines. Transcription can often be finished faster than translation, depending on the length and complications of the text.

Finding Professional Providers

What to Look for in a Translation Service?

Look for suppliers with certified translators, knowledge in your sector, and positive client feedback.

What to Look for in a Transcription Service?

Seek out companies with competent transcriptionists, dependable technology, and a track record of accuracy.


Understanding the differences between translation & transcription services is critical when selecting the best service for your requirements. Whether you’re dealing with foreign business documents or transcribing a critical meeting, understanding each step will allow you to make an informed conclusion.

Vachved specializes in both translation & transcription services, guaranteeing that your content is handled professionally and accurately. We believe in eliminating language barriers and allowing your message to reach a worldwide audience easily. If you ever require best translation or transcription services, remember that Vachved is available to help.


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